Restore Liberty in My Lifetime?

We in the liberty movement all talk about “restoring rightful liberty” whatever that means to the folks talking about it. Many of us call ourselves three percenters, alluding to the three percent of the patriots who fought for liberty during the revolutionary war.

Let’s look at the numbers. In 1776 the colonies numbered some 2.4 million people with about 80% English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh descent, 9% German and 4% Dutch.  About 90% were farmers.  Some 200,000 were slaves from Africa.

Historians suggest that 40-45% of the colonists were Patriots. 15-20% were Loyalists.  35-45% never chose a side.

Some 250,000 men fought for the Patriots, but never more than 90,000 served at any one time. Some 25,000 men of the Loyalists fought for the British.  Another 5000 black slaves fought for the Patriots.  The three percent is the total ever fighting at once of the entire population of the colonies.  The total that took up arms is a little more than 10%.

What motivated folks to be on one side or the other?

For the Patriots, the initial rally to arms was impressive in 1775. As the war dragged on, enthusiasm waned.  Many colonies were compelled to entice soldiers with offers of cash bounties, clothing, blankets and enlistments shorter than the one year term of service established by Congress.  The following year, Congress mandated three year enlistments and offers of cash and land bounties became an absolute necessity.

Longer enlistments radically changed the composition of the Army. Washington’s troops in 1775-76 had represented a cross section of the free male population. But few who owned farms were willing to serve for the duration, fearing loss of their property if years passed without producing revenue from which to pay taxes. After 1777, the average Continental soldier was young, single, propertyless, poor and in many cases an outright pauper. In some states, such as Pennsylvania, up to one in four soldiers was an impoverished recent immigrant. Patriotism aside, cash and land bounties offered an unprecedented chance for economic mobility for these men.

The average Patriot was poor and many were motivated by the writings of Thomas Paine and others like him who suggested an equality of opportunity in a new country.

The typical Loyalist was a little wealthier and was more settled in their ways. They owned shops and businesses.  They were leaders and respected in their communities.  Most of them left America at the end of the war.

This is a very long lead into this post, but the background is needed when we talk about today. 75 to 80% of the colonists weren’t against the Patriots.  Think about that for a second.  Three to ten percent actually took up arms against the British.

The Patriots were motivated by equality, economic mobility and freedom of religion.

What percentage of Americans are motivated by these three things today? We read daily of regular folks begging the government to take their rights away under the notion that we “might” be safer.  The number of folks that really want equality of opportunity is almost none.  Attacks on economic mobility occur from every side of the political spectrum.  Freedom of religion?  Americans are embracing religion at a smaller number every year it seems.

So, what are we restoring? How many Americans even recognize these motivations enough to even want them?

Americans fit far more into the Loyalist camp these days than the Patriot camp. They are happy with what they have and want a government to protect what they have.  If by some magic stroke all of the .gov folks that work to oppress us, stopped doing what they do today, Americans would replace them tomorrow.  They would be mad at whoever wielded the magic stroke.

All the groups like the NRA that ostensibly are there to protect our rights are very pragmatic at best and not lovers of overall liberty at worst. The Tea Party in its heyday wasn’t against large government, merely against large government budgets.  The old “Contract With America” that got Newt Gingrich and crew elected promised to eliminate 95 major programs.  In reality, the combined budgets of these programs increased by 13%.  Congressmen complain that “due process is overrated and needs to be looked at again”.  When offered more “safety and security” Americans are begging to have their rights taken away without even a whimper.

I’m depressed enough right now in realizing that there is no restoration of liberty possible. Even if we are optimistic and think we really have three percent of Americans on our side, 97% are on the other side.  Using that same magic stroke, if we three percenters were suddenly in charge, we would be run out of town for promoting evil things.  We can’t beat our foes with force.

I am optimistic enough though to realize that our liberty is not to be found by looking backwards. We didn’t get in this mess since Obama got elected.  It might take a generation or two or three to fix it.  We’ve got to look at the next 50 years and see how it can be made better.

More to follow in future posts.

24 thoughts on “Restore Liberty in My Lifetime?

  1. What occupies my attention these days is not the restoration of a republic I will not live to see, but how to keep myself and my posterity out of the sights of Leviathan so that there might be a living memory of what we hope to restore. Being a rat in the walls may not be romantic but it’s as close to liberty as is available these days.


    • Comments like yours are helping me to write the future posts. We need to go low profile for ourselves and help prepare the future ones. There will come a time in they all too soon future when the split in America won’t be between the haves and have nots, but between those that can produce/think and those that can’t. That will be the start of a new future. It won’t be quick, but if you think back to the growth of this country, we respected those who were better and smarter than us and supported their business acumen. You can almost count the days to when we started to destroy businessmen and shifted our money to folks who produced nothing but things for the government.


      • I think there’s plenty of tough history lurking in that prediction, especially since the ones who can’t or won’t think are the reliable sheep the ruling class rely on to keep their snouts in the trough. In a war, the state will be supporting that lot. Add to that the sad reality that the number of people too young to remember, too stupid to realize, or too avaricious to object to the realities of socialism, and I’m afraid the future looks like Venezuela.

        If you aren’t familiar with her work, I commend you to Claire Wolfe’s blog, a better inspiration to take your freedom where you find it does not exist.


  2. Howdy – I came here via Knuckledraggin My Life Away – regular reader there.
    When you talk about time periods involved in making changes to the culture and society at large, keep in mind that the Progressive movement has been chipping away at the USA for well over 100 years. They came in through higher education and entertainment and that’s the route that will have to be taken in order take back the culture, and culture is upstream of politics. People want a quick fix and that just ain’t gonna happen. The trouble is going back through higher ed is a lot harder than coming in because 100 years ago the establishment had no idea what was happening. The Progressives today know very well how the game is played because they made the rules and they are guarding the higher education mothership very, very carefully. Just try to get a speaking gig at any American university if you’re a conservative.


  3. I was a frequent reader several years ago. Life turned me into an occasional reader lately.

    I agree JC entirely with your assessment. At the end of this post is a cut ‘n paste of me voicing a similar position as yours, on another blog on 6/15/2016. Aside from that, and considering the never before force of anti-gun foes pushing for gun laws this week, I’d be failing a duty and irresponsible if I didn’t give voice on what led to our condition of being more subject and servant than free men.

    Here goes…..we lost a valuable part of our liberties and constitutional republic when….

    The gun owners of California in the 1960’s didn’t protest by the millions when CA outlawed the carrying of arms in response to the Black Panthers armed protest on the steps of the state Capital.

    Gun owners nationwide didn’t protest by the millions on the White House front lawn over the more onerous clauses in GCA 68.

    Gun owners didn’t again protest by the millions, waving axe handles, pitchforks, nooses, and AR15 facsimiles on the White House front lawn in response to Clinton’s 1991 AWB.

    Americans nationwide didn’t physically drag pro-Obamacare politicians out of their offices and kick them down the front steps. And threaten them with further violence if they voted for Obamacare.

    Millions of Americans didn’t again gather on the White House front lawn to this time storm the Capital building and physically arrest Eric Holder for Fast and Furious.

    Thousands of Americans didn’t lay siege to an ATF or FBI office and threaten to gas, burn, and shoot everyone inside unless those responsible for the murder of 76 men, women, and children in Waco were tried, convicted, and sentenced.

    Ditto for Ruby Ridge.

    Every time we meekly accepted another tiny sliver of our freedom being removed.

    Every time we didn’t burn down a notoriously anti-gun politician’s garage or shed, or slash his tires, or throw a brick through his breakfast nook window.

    Before anyone castigates me, let me remind you that Samuel Adams, and sometimes Alexander Hamilton, encouraged and condoned many if not most of the same actions by a gang of toughs, hard drinkers, and roundabouts we today call The Sons Of Liberty.

    This post is in part a real long way of saying nothing stops a bully, including a political bully, from walking all over you like first letting him know you’ll knock him on his ass, and second, knocking him on his ass if need be.

    Politicians advance their tyrannical agenda over the people because they’ve never been held accountable for trashing the Constitution and nibbling away at personal liberties.

    During the summer before Obamacare was passed, US Reps and Senators nationwide held “town halls” to explain Obamacare to their constituents. If you listened to any of that BS you knew the politicans were telling their constituents – the people who voted them into office to do what THEY wanted, not what the POLITICIAN wanted- Obamacare was great. In other words, it was clear the politicians had already decided to vote for socialized medicine.

    The people nationwide were outraged. They wanted nothing to do with Obamacare. Virtually every Rep and Senator were frightened by the people’s anger over socialized medicine and every Rep and Senator’s response was the same. They had the “ringleaders” who opposed Obamacare physically removed from the meetings by armed police. They imposed time limits to speak. They tried to shout down anyone who disagreed with Obamacare. They limited seating/standing capacity. Finally, they publicly – through a compliant MSM – castigated and labled everyone who disagreed with Obamacare as terrorists, thugs, and criminals. Nancy Pelosi called them “Nazi’s”.

    The Reps and Senators were rocked on their heels by the overwhelming negative response to Obamacare. The people had ’em on the ropes. Then they let ’em off the ropes. That’s when the politicians screwed the people and opened the door to full blown, Canada and England style socialized medicine.

    The people should’ve kept up the pressure on every pro-Obamacare politician by picketing their homes, flooding their mailboxes with letters, following them by car everywhere they went. Doing everything and anything (legal) that would’ve put pressure on the politicians. That’s how you put the fear of consequences, even the fear of G-d, into someone who’s on the fence between doing right and wrong.

    But the people of today aren’t the people of the 1770’s.

    We want to be left alone to pursue the happiness our Constitution says we can pursue. We want a quiet life (well, us old geezers do), a peaceful life. We want to go to work and on weekends and our vacations enjoy the fruits of our labors. We want to plant a garden, restore that old Jeep, add a deck to the back of the house, grill a steak and watch the sun set, backpack a national park with our son, tend our savings accounts, retire and enjoy our remaining years surrounded by those we love.

    While some of us were sleeping, and others furiously writing letters to our elected representatives, and others still thinking it could’ve been worse, and others saying “they’re gonna get our guns in the end so why bother fighting it”….the government was methodically and ceaselessly forging link by link the invisible chain that now pens us all in. Just like sheep.

    The government allows us to have training blogs all over the internet, to host SUT and SUP courses, to write what I’m writing here, to sound off about liberty and freedom, and do everything we’re doing, because they know darned well they hold all the aces and when push comes to shove, they’ll eventually shove all of us into one of three places; 6 feet under, jail, or a FEMA camp.

    So they let us bark ferociously and make internet wide claims we’re “the sheep dog” and other such things. The government lets us bark because they’ve already got us chained up.

    Oh sure. There may be armed resistance here and there. But without a national militia with real commanders holding military like rank; without secure national comms; without arty, air support, or armor; without unlimited supplies; without medics and surgeons; without thermal NVRS; without heavy weapons regiments, companies, platoons, and squads; without having primary, secondary, and terciary targets and plans to take each; and most of all, without a plan to reestablish a constitutional republic, etc, etc, etc, we’ll all hang separately, so to speak.


    Here’s my post from the other site. I apologize JC for the use of your bandwidth. I felt it important to validate your position on Liberty In My Lifetime.


    Well, this might not be well accepted but here goes.

    When the disarmament laws are in place, I have grave doubts they’ll be resisted as vigorously as people now claim.

    Most guys who have a normal life (a job, family, savings plan, a summer vacation, a parent they take care of, etc) are – when it comes down to do or die – are rightfully afraid of the consequences for breaking the law. Even the ones who talk tough give pause when the act they’re about to commit is a simple misdemeanor, let alone a felony that’ll get them 15 years in the slammer.

    When the goons come for a normal guy’s guns, the prominent thought that guy’s gonna think will be “Shit! I don’t wanna go to jail. I CAN’T go to jail. I just got a promotion and raise at work. I’m planning to build a cabin on my Wyoming lakefront property next year. I have only 7 years left on the mortgage. Who’ll pay the mortgage if I’m in jail?”

    AT THAT VERY MOMENT every gun the guy has will become in his eyes a pile of steel, plastic, and wood with the potential to totally and forever obliterate everything he’s worked his WHOLE LIFE for. He’ll be conflicted. He’ll understand those guns will either send him to prison or keep him out of jail.

    His decision will be made when he thinks “My 401k is on target to give me a decent income when I retire in 12 years. I’ll have this house in Florida for winters and my Wyoming house for summers. Shit! I ain’t gonna lose my two houses, my 401k money, and my retirement for a few lousy guns!”

    Hypothetical? No. I know more than one guy who, faced with the choice to give ’em up or go to trial on certain charges, gave the guns up and thus didn’t have to go to trial. If people are afraid to stand their ground and go to trial for what they believe in, how many people will be afraid to shoot it out with the goons who come to disarm them?

    Australia and England both fielded magnificently brave armies in WWII. Yet, in the decades after fighting the toughest battle of their lives, men in those countries meekly surrendered their guns when the disarmament laws were passed. And most times, those men BROUGHT THEM TO THE CUTTING STATION, instead of at least making the goons drive out of their way to pick up the guns.

    I’m not criticizing anyone here or anyone who’d turn ’em in. Every man makes his own choice based on his own criteria. I suspect most guys with families will surrender instead of shoot. Hey, they gotta take care of their family. If Dad’s not there, who’s gonna raise the kids to be morally upright? If the husband isn’t there, how will the wife pay the mortgage, put food on the table, fix the furnace pilot light, change the brake pads, discipline the young boy when he gets feeling froggy?

    The problem with majority surrender is this. The few who chose to disobey and engage for keeps (key phrase “for keeps”) will be painted by the politicians as domestic terrorists standing in the way of making Americans safe from gun violence; and the courts will make extreme examples out of these American terrorists. Together this will be the gist needed for tyrants to propose – and get passed – more gun bans.

    Sadly, I think, the majority of Americans will be 100% behind those new bans. Even if a few here and there make their final stands for liberty, there won’t be enough of them to compel the remaining gun owners to follow suit. Those gun owners will go along to get along.

    Excepting that no one made a final stand, this is exactly how the German people reacted to new gun laws for national security. Even the Jews, knowing they were the targets of Nazi hatreds, meekly turned their weapons in hoping to appease their new masters. How many of them, walking to the shower that he knew was a death chamber, wished to Heaven he’d never given up his faithful old 1918 Mauser, or had kept the P38 his nephew had given him for protection, or had hung onto that MP40 he scrounged before he was rounded up?

    It may take years for those who surrender their arms to feel the same way as this Jewish man did as he took his last few last steps on earth. But, sooner or later, I truly believe, everyone who surrenders their arms will indeed burn with remorse and regret for surrendering not just their guns, but their dignity, freedom, and manhood.

    I’m afraid, and I know this isn’t a popular thought, most will go meekly into the folds of the sheep pen.


  4. I was a frequent reader several years ago. Life turned me into an occasional reader lately.

    I agree JC entirely with your assessment. At the end of this post is a cut ‘n paste of me voicing a similar position as yours, on another blog on 6/15/2016. Aside from that, and considering the intense force of anti-gun foes pushing for gun laws this week, I’d be failing a duty of personal honor if I didn’t give voice on what led to our condition of being more subject and servant than free men.

    Here goes…..we lost a valuable part of our liberties and constitutional republic when….

    The gun owners of California in the 1960’s didn’t protest by the millions when CA outlawed the carrying of arms in response to the Black Panthers armed protest on the steps of the state Capital.

    Gun owners nationwide didn’t protest by the millions on the White House front lawn over the more onerous clauses in GCA 68.

    Gun owners didn’t again protest by the millions, waving axe handles, pitchforks, nooses, and AR15 facsimiles on the White House front lawn in response to Clinton’s 1991 AWB.

    Americans nationwide didn’t physically drag pro-Obamacare politicians out of their offices and kick them down the front steps. And threaten them with further violence if they voted for Obamacare.

    Millions of Americans didn’t again gather on the White House front lawn to this time storm the Capital building and physically arrest Eric Holder for Fast and Furious.

    Thousands of Americans didn’t lay siege to an ATF or FBI office and threaten to gas, burn, and shoot everyone inside unless those responsible for the murder of 76 men, women, and children in Waco were tried, convicted, and sentenced.

    Ditto for Ruby Ridge.

    Every time we meekly accepted another tiny sliver of our freedom being removed.

    Every time we didn’t burn down a notoriously anti-gun politician’s garage or shed, or slash his tires, or throw a brick through his breakfast nook window.

    Before anyone castigates me, let me remind you that Samuel Adams, and sometimes Alexander Hamilton, encouraged and condoned many if not most of the same actions by a gang of toughs, hard drinkers, and roundabouts we today call The Sons Of Liberty.

    This post is in part a real long way of saying nothing stops a bully, including a political bully, from walking all over you like first letting him know you’ll knock him on his ass, and second, knocking him on his ass if need be.

    Politicians advance their tyrannical agenda over the people because they’ve never been held accountable for trashing the Constitution and nibbling away at personal liberties.

    During the summer before Obamacare was passed, US Reps and Senators nationwide held “town halls” to explain Obamacare to their constituents. If you listened to any of that BS you knew the politicans were telling their constituents – the people who voted them into office to do what THEY wanted, not what the POLITICIAN wanted- Obamacare was great. In other words, it was clear the politicians had already decided to vote for socialized medicine.

    The people nationwide were outraged. They wanted nothing to do with Obamacare. Virtually every Rep and Senator were frightened by the people’s anger over socialized medicine and every Rep and Senator’s response was the same. They had the “ringleaders” who opposed Obamacare physically removed from the meetings by armed police. They imposed time limits to speak. They tried to shout down anyone who disagreed with Obamacare. They limited seating/standing capacity. Finally, they publicly – through a compliant MSM – castigated and labeled everyone who disagreed with Obamacare as terrorists, thugs, and criminals. Nancy Pelosi called them “Nazi’s”.

    The Reps and Senators were rocked on their heels by the overwhelming negative response to Obamacare. The people had ’em on the ropes. Then they let ’em off the ropes. That’s when the politicians screwed the people and opened the door to full blown, Canada and England style socialized medicine.

    The people should’ve kept up the pressure on every pro-Obamacare politician by picketing their homes, flooding their mailboxes with letters, following them by car everywhere they went. Doing everything and anything (legal) that would’ve put pressure on the politicians. That’s how you put the fear of consequences, even the fear of G-d, into someone who’s on the fence between doing right and wrong.

    But the people of today aren’t the people of the 1770’s.

    Today we want to be left alone to pursue the happiness our Constitution says we can pursue. We want a quiet life (well, us old geezers do), a peaceful life. We want to go to work and on weekends and our vacations enjoy the fruits of our labors. We want to plant a garden, restore that old Jeep, add a deck to the back of the house, grill a steak and watch the sun set, backpack a national park with our son, tend our savings accounts, retire and enjoy our remaining years surrounded by those we love.

    While some of us were sleeping, and others furiously writing letters to our elected representatives, and others still thinking it could’ve been worse, and others saying “they’re gonna get our guns in the end so why bother fighting it”….the government was methodically and ceaselessly forging link by link the invisible chain that now pens us all in. Just like sheep.

    The government allows us to have training blogs all over the internet, to host SUT and SUP courses, to write what I’m writing here, to sound off about liberty and freedom, and do everything we’re doing, because they know darned well they hold all the aces and when push comes to shove, they’ll eventually shove all of us into one of three places; 6 feet under, jail, or a FEMA camp.

    So they let us bark ferociously and make internet wide claims we’re “the sheep dog” and other such things. The government lets us bark because they’ve already got us chained up.

    Oh sure. There may be armed resistance here and there. But without a national militia with real commanders holding military like rank; without secure national comms; without arty, air support, or armor; without unlimited supplies; without medics and surgeons; without thermal NVRS; without heavy weapons regiments, companies, platoons, and squads; without having primary, secondary, and terciary targets and plans to take each; and most of all, without a plan to reestablish a constitutional republic, etc, etc, etc, we’ll all hang separately, so to speak.


    Here’s my post from the other site. I apologize JC for the use of your bandwidth. I felt it important to validate your position on Liberty In My Lifetime.


    Well, this might not be well accepted but here goes.

    When the disarmament laws are in place, I have grave doubts they’ll be resisted as vigorously as people now claim.

    Most guys who have a normal life (a job, family, savings plan, a summer vacation, a parent they take care of, etc) are – when it comes down to do or die – are rightfully afraid of the consequences for breaking the law. Even the ones who talk tough give pause when the act they’re about to commit is a simple misdemeanor, let alone a felony that’ll get them 15 years in the slammer.

    When the goons come for a normal guy’s guns, the prominent thought that guy’s gonna think will be “Shit! I don’t wanna go to jail. I CAN’T go to jail. I just got a promotion and raise at work. I’m planning to build a cabin on my Wyoming lakefront property next year. I have only 7 years left on the mortgage. Who’ll pay the mortgage if I’m in jail?”

    AT THAT VERY MOMENT every gun the guy has will become in his eyes a pile of steel, plastic, and wood with the potential to totally and forever obliterate everything he’s worked his WHOLE LIFE for. He’ll be conflicted. He’ll understand those guns will either send him to prison or keep him out of jail.

    His decision will be made when he thinks “My 401k is on target to give me a decent income when I retire in 12 years. I’ll have this house in Florida for winters and my Wyoming house for summers. Shit! I ain’t gonna lose my two houses, my 401k money, and my retirement for a few lousy guns!”

    Hypothetical? No. I know more than one guy who, faced with the choice to give ’em up or go to trial on certain charges, gave the guns up and thus didn’t have to go to trial. If people are afraid to stand their ground and go to trial for what they believe in, how many people will be afraid to shoot it out with the goons who come to disarm them?

    Australia and England both fielded magnificently brave armies in WWII. Yet, in the decades after fighting the toughest battle of their lives, men in those countries meekly surrendered their guns when the disarmament laws were passed. And most times, those men BROUGHT THEM TO THE CUTTING STATION, instead of at least making the goons drive out of their way to pick up the guns.

    I’m not criticizing anyone here or anyone who’d turn ’em in. Every man makes his own choice based on his own criteria. I suspect most guys with families will surrender instead of shoot. Hey, they gotta take care of their family. If Dad’s not there, who’s gonna raise the kids to be morally upright? If the husband isn’t there, how will the wife pay the mortgage, put food on the table, fix the furnace pilot light, change the brake pads, discipline the young boy when he gets feeling froggy?

    The problem with majority surrender is this. The few who chose to disobey and engage for keeps (key phrase “for keeps”) will be painted by the politicians as domestic terrorists standing in the way of making Americans safe from gun violence; and the courts will make extreme examples out of these American terrorists. Together this will be the gist needed for tyrants to propose – and get passed – more gun bans.

    Sadly, I think, the majority of Americans will be 100% behind those new bans. Even if a few here and there make their final stands for liberty, there won’t be enough of them to compel the remaining gun owners to follow suit. Those gun owners will go along to get along.

    Excepting that no one made a final stand, this is exactly how the German people reacted to new gun laws for national security. Even the Jews, knowing they were the targets of Nazi hatreds, meekly turned their weapons in hoping to appease their new masters. How many of them, walking to the shower that he knew was a death chamber, wished to Heaven he’d never given up his faithful old 1918 Mauser, or had kept the P38 his nephew had given him for protection, or had hung onto that MP40 he scrounged before he was rounded up?

    It may take years for those who surrender their arms to feel the same way as this Jewish man did as he took his last few last steps on earth. But, sooner or later, I truly believe, everyone who surrenders their arms will indeed burn with remorse and regret for surrendering not just their guns, but their dignity, freedom, and manhood.

    I’m afraid, and I know this isn’t a popular thought, most will go meekly into the folds of the sheep pen.


    • What’s to seize when we are so outnumbered? Almost 70 years of Dewey camps have totally removed the notion that liberty as we recognize it is a good thing. They’ve created a society where liberty means being able to buy the latest gadget. I’m working on a different spin on this blog. Discussing how we influence the next generation so that they can influence the one after than and then the one after that, so that in 50 or 60 years a new beginning can happen where folks embrace the strength of liberty and while thirsting for it, achieve it.


      • That appears to be the only course that stands a chance of restoring equilibrium. An in depth, detailed study of how the liberals took down America would be necessary, and similar methods adopted for the long haul.

        One of the biggest obstacles to consider is the state sponsored media . How does one achieve the goal you express – influencing the next generation – in a country where (a) the media is state controlled, and (b) kids have unlimited access 24/7/365 to media through iPADs, PC’s, etc, etc; most if not all of which seduces kids further into the liberal camp. Even the vaunted Fox News only goes so far and no further in exposing the evils that brought us to this point and continue to push us ever closer to the point of no return.

        Another obstacle to consider is the U.S. Dept of Education. Apart from a few resistors in schools here and there, the entire DOE apparatus exists to propagandize children into compliant subjects believing all rights come from government.

        Without significant media exposure and absent a dramatic turnaround in the DOE, influencing today’s state educated children about the laws of liberty, et al, will be difficult if not impossible. Said influence must take place at the level of the family unit. Dads and Moms have to teach their kids what the schools taught in the 50s and into the 60s about Civil Affairs, Government of USA, the Founding of America, etc, etc.

        Your plan gives no immediate gratification to those of us who remember the America of the 50s and 60s, and yes, part of the 70s, and are greatly angered, even infuriated beyond what words can express, about the liars, communists, Muslims, and evil people who now rule over us with impunity and daily dismiss our concerns with a wave of the back of their superior hand while they trample underfoot with a smirk every remaining vestige of the liberties, freedoms, and pursuits of happiness brave men and women bled and died to achieve. You might even say that, as Jesus did on the cross, those men and women sacrificed their lives, homes, farms, fields, and fortunes to give all who came after them a life more abundant and free.

        But in all likelihood your idea may be the sanest, most practical, most likely to succeed plan of all.


  5. You know my plan GP and I still haven’t found anything else that comes close to us restoring Liberty in our lifetime…The problem is those that are older like Boots said that know how it was back then don’t want to even think about pulling up stakes…They will stay put even if their neighborhood falls apart around them…I’ve seen it happen so I know that mindset exist…The thing is I’m not about to give up and just say well guess my kids will have to deal with it…It pisses me off with this give up attitude…Boots list a bunch of things that I was to young or not even born yet when they happened but I’m not going to say well they fucked it up I guess I will just have to live with it…I am actively doing something that would give liberty a shot and hardly anyone is taking me up on my offer… Sad That…


    • Lineman you are nailing it. I read a comment of yours someplace that lamented that this particular post wasn’t being commented on or discussed. I am pretty disheartened too by the relative low numbers of readers on this one. But it’s not enough to make me stop. This blog is going to go off in this direction going forward. There is stuff that all of us can do. For those like you that are doing more aggressive preparing, we’ll live longer and have a greater impact. For those that can’t or won’t physically relocate, there still is stuff that they can do. I’m reminded of the comments from my father as he was dying, telling us that there were a lot of things he wished he had done different, particularly regarding his family. We hear those kind of comments from older folks all the time. But in reality, if he hadn’t done what he did in the way he did it, we wouldn’t have had the opportunities that we had. Folks everywhere can do things to prepare their children. And if their children don’t buy in, then we can help with the grandchildren. And the great grandchildren. Parents love “dumping” their kids off on the grandparents in the summer. Do something with them. 50 Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do) is a great book to entertain your young grandkids. Gets them thinking and lets them get excited about trips to grandpa’s house. And it’s cheap at Abe Books. Our enemies have had 60 years to create people who can’t think. Let’s start one at a time creating the inquisitive thinkers.


      • Yea GP I agree wholeheartedly with that but just think about it …It doesn’t matter how great I bring up my kids if the world around them is fucked up…Who will they hang around with, who will they marry,etc…The more Liberty minded people in one area the more chance of a better life for them and their children… Now I live in a pretty good area because I spent the time and effort to do my research and due diligence… I am a thousand mile away from where I grew up so it’s not like I was born into the area and now want others to move to me since I don’t want to…All Im asking of others is what I already had to do with no help from anyone…At least others have someone that has paved the way and will help them succeed in moving to a better life…


  6. I dunno GP. You posit that more Americans want slavery than freedom. You use that posit to validate your claim we couldn’t field a big enough army of patriots for another live fire revolution. I applaud your efforts to keep fighting for freedom, but I also wonder how many Americans want slavery over freedom. I think the number is at least about equal, if not slightly more who’d rather have freedom than slavery through government “security promises”.

    I wish I could disagree with your contention we couldn’t field a big enough fighting force, but at this point, without us actually going to war and seeing how many show up locked, loaded and ready to fight, I can’t disagree. However, our constitution says, in writing, it’s our duty and right to abolish, remove, and replace any government that’s oppressive. Anyone who’s done due diligence knows our government is a repressive oligarchy; and under Obama’s reign it’s become more and more outwardly hostile to the constitution and rule of law.

    A shooting war against tyrannical government is the constitutional duty and right of all Americans. BUT…

    ….IF ONLY….

    Americans had been forward thinking enough to have…
    Recognized, written about, expounded on, and made the public aware of…
    Their constitutional duty and right to throw over a repressive government…
    And at the same time those same Americans had formed militias in every state…
    And those militias had coordinated nationally…
    To form a United States Militia force…
    That clearly saw the coming war…
    And clearly prepared for it…

    THEN WE MIGHT HAVE had a force capable of exercising their right and duty to throw the bums out. By force.

    I’M NOT SO SURE your plan of generational influence will work. Not that it’s not a good plan. It’s a great plan and one that everyone should try. It’s a plan that should get national coverage by any means available to you and those who support your idea. HOWEVER…

    ….those who think like you, me, and the other patriots are dying off. Replacing us are youth raised by the liberal MSM, TV, rap music, Obamacare, Obamaphones, and every subtle means of enticement the progressive socialist movement has to offer. And they have a darned lot to offer. So how much can a few old geezers and their geezer wives influence their great grand children in the face of state sponsored propaganda?

    OF MORE IMPORTANCE, is that Obama’s facilitating of Hijra will soon, before our grand children are full grown, have flooded America with so many Muslims that America will become the next Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, Holland, and Philippines. Obama himself may be the result of decades of careful planning by brilliant Muslims to insert him into our presidency. Obama has repaid that effort by staffing DHS, DOJ, DOE with Muslims that have proven ties to terror funding organizations.

    Obama’s also appointed dozens if not hundreds of Islamic sympathizer Attorney Generals throughout America. Fed prosecutor for Twin Falls, ID, Wendy J. Olsen, threatened Idahoans with arrest and jail for ‘inflammatory and false’ speech against Muslims, after 3 Muslim teens sexually assaulted a 5 year old special needs white girl. The 13 year old raped her, the 7 and 10 year old couldn’t ejaculate so they pissed on the girl.

    EVERY DAY in America, Muslims are protected, coddled, and enabled by a false government erected after a bloodless coup d’etat supported by MSM, Muslim Brotherhood, and hundreds of political hacks from the local to national level.

    LET ME CLOSE with this question and bit of advice to you and all who read this post:

    Q: WHAT EXACTLY IS DRIVING THIS SEEMINGLY RECENT EXPLOSION OF MUSLIMS being imported en masse into America, and catapulted into positions of National Security in DHS, DOJ, and FBI?

    A: What’s happening to America is known as Hijra (hish’-ruh). The Koran commands Muslims to ‘populate the foreigners lands’ and once there work within the system to acquire positions of influence from where Muslims can dismantle brick by brick the foundations of that country’s security, laws, and values; and replace them with Sharia’. OBAMA HAS BEEN DOING THIS FOR 8 LONG YEARS. This is the REAL REASON he doesn’t publicly condemn “radical Islam”. This is the REAL REASON he always MAKES EXCUSES FOR MUSLIM TERROR.

    A (cont): OBAMA IS ONE OF THE TERRORISTS. Oh, he doesn’t shoot, bomb, or decapitate anyone. His job is much higher than that of executioner. He’s the Trojan Horse that sneaks open the gates to America’s most deadly and insidious enemy – Islam itself. Obama is to America what the Spartan traitor who led the Persians to Leonidas’ flanks was to the Spartans: a murderous traitor.

    A (cont): BUT OBAMA IS MUCH WORSE than just any murderous traitor. He’s a traitor to an ENTIRE NATION OF 350,000,000 Americans. His treachery is on a par with Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and every other dictator that sought to murder, terrorize, and enslave their people.

    WHO CHOOSES which “refugees” come to America? THE UNITED NATIONS, that’s who. That’s why 99.9% of the “refugees” chosen for America are MUSLIM. Less than 1% are Christians. And Christians are being slaughtered in a Muslim led genocide.

    READ, LEARN, AND UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT HIJRA IS AND HOW IT’S NOW BRINGING AMERICA TO HER KNEES. Once you understand what Hijra is, you can’t help ask “Is Obama the result of meticulous planning by Muslim operatives and cash payments of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars to every agency that should’ve and could’ve alerted America to Obama’s Kenyan birth and ineligibility? Did the CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc receive billions from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Lebanon, etc in exchange for a coup d’etat placing the Manchurian Muslim Barack Hussein Obama, formerly known as Barry Soetoro, in the Oval Office?



    Click to access Refugee_Resettlement_Hijra.pdf







    As has happened in France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, and indeed all of Europe, America has been infiltrated my it’s most savage enemy of eternity, Islamificsts bent on establishing a worldwide Caliphate.

    Through a Manchurian Muslim, Barack Hussein Obama – perhaps a Muslim designated presidential candidate since his tutelege under Frank Marshal Davis – America’s government is overrun at every level by 5th columnists intent on dividing America and utterly, completely, and irreversibly destroying her. The damage has crippled, stunned, and driven America back from a land of laws to a land of government sponsored terror, repression, and acts of violence against white Americans; e.g. non-Muslim Americans.

    A multi-generational scheme of “influencing the next generation” is speculative and should be considered secondary to a full fledged confrontation with the forces of evil now strangling the lifeblood out of America. That confrontation should be constitutional in all it’s application, including the constitutional use of arms for which the Second Amendment was incorporated.



    Review by Janet Levy:

    Modern Day Trojan Horse: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration

    Within the past few decades, mosques have increasingly dotted the landscapes of American and European cities and towns, with mega mosques often overshadowing adjacent, centuries-old churches in predominantly Christian regions. Islamic schools or academies and a host of Muslim organizations have become omnipresent across the West.

    Meanwhile, Americans and Europeans have made countless accommodations to Muslim demands. They have included footbaths; high-decibel, five-times-daily calls to prayer; segregated male-female gym and swimming pool hours; halal food; workplace dispensations for handling pork products and for female head and face coverings; and special, public prayer rooms. Also, shari’ah-compliant financial transactions, the expunging of offensive likenesses of Mohammed or imagined depictions of Arabic characters that connote “Allah,” official swearings-in on Korans in place of customary Bibles, the neutralizing of official descriptive language about Islamists and the jihad, the revision of so-called offensive content in movies and television programs, the removal of representations of pigs from the public sphere, and many other acculturations to Muslim entreaties have all been made in the service of respecting Muslim religious beliefs and practices.

    To those in Western democracies, these accommodating actions appear, on the surface, to be little more than harmless civil gestures, respecting the needs of a growing religion in their midst and welcoming a new addition to their proud, multicultural tradition. Many Westerners pat themselves on the back for their liberal bent, their tolerance and their open-mindedness.

    Little do they realize that this strategic pattern of demands is part of an insidious, 1,400-year-old proscription for Muslims that originates in the Koran and the Sunnah, the deeds of Mohammed. It is the Hijra or doctrine of immigration. Modeled by Mohammed’s migration from Mecca to Medina, this immigration is not to a romanticized melting pot wherein newcomers gratefully search for opportunities for a better life in liberty and freely offer their talents and loyalty to benefit their new homeland. This is immigration for Islamic expansionism employing ethnic separatism to gain special status and privileges within the host country. Hijra is immigration designed to subvert and subdue non-Muslim societies and pave the way for eventual, total Islamization.

    In their compelling book, “Modern Day Trojan Horse: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration,” authors Sam Solomon, a former professor of shari’ah law and convert to Christianity, and Elias Al Maqdisi, an expert on Islamic teachings, explain the migration of Muslims to the Dar-al-Harb, the “land of war,” as a religious edict with a basis in Islamic doctrine. They delineate the step-by-step process of this 1,400-year-old strategy of conquest. It is a transitional strategy which they characterize as the most important step in spreading Islam and preparing for jihad. From their carefully delineated treatise on Hijra, it is clear that migration in concert with military conquest comprise the bookends of Islamic expansionism.

    Solomon and Al Maqdisi review the phases of the Hijra and its juristic or legal basis in Islamic doctrine. Under the cover of taquiya or deception, the step-by-step methodology of the migration process is designed to subdue, then, subjugate the host culture, culminating in implementation of shari’ah law.

    The beginning phase of Islamization usually includes activities pivotal to building a physical presence. It consists of public calls to prayer; founding of schools, libraries and research centers; and the teaching of Arabic — actions that appear to be reasonable and respectable infrastructure requirements necessary to support the presence of a faith. At this point in the Hijra, it is permissible for Muslims to engage in haram, or forbidden actions, out of necessity to establish and empower the umma or Muslim community. Koranic rules such as the prohibition against friendships with infidels are suspended while the objectives of future Islamization are systematically put into place. In its initial phase, the Hijra passes scrutiny by the West whose citizens erroneously view the migration as mainly economic — a pilgrimage for a better life.

    Solomon and Maqdisi examine the comprehensive strategy that begins with the establishment of the umma or Muslim community. The mosque becomes the locus of power, a strategic base and the center of all activities. They explain how in this embryonic phase, a top priority is the scouting for new arrivals to expand and empower the existing Muslim community. Muslim leaders offer solicitous assistance and helpful suggestions for schools, housing, mosque worship, halal markets and other services to ingratiate themselves with new arrivals and bring them into the local Muslim community. Agents of local mosques, ever alert for new immigrants and potential converts, engage in subtle forms of indoctrination and police local Muslims.

    This first step of establishing the mosque as the center of local Islamic life and activities is mistakenly viewed by non-Muslims as merely the benign construction of houses of worship. Its true goal escapes notice, that of firmly establishing a purposeful non-integrated Muslim identity to advance the goal of Islamization.

    Once the consolidation of the Muslim community occurs under the radar, the purposeful fight for special status and shari’ah follows. As dictated by the Koran and Sunnah, segregation from non-Muslims is a natural outcome of the advancement of the Hijra.

    Visible changes begin to be apparent as the Muslim population achieves more of a critical mass. Over time, the dress code, often beginning with a hijab in segregated enclaves and moving toward the complete covering of a neqab in the public sphere, separates Muslim women from men and from non-Muslim women. Eventually, as the host population becomes familiarized with what they believe to be the requirements of religious piety, demands are made for segregation at public facilities, in the workplace and at schools and universities. Requests for halal food, shari’ah-compliant financial transactions and the addition of Muslim holidays to public calendars further elevate the Muslim community with a special status making them separate and distinct.

    All demands are initially presented as benign attempts to accommodate the religious requirements of devout Muslims. Any actions to suppress them are decried as religious discrimination. In the United States, requests for separate swimming and gym hours for Muslim men and women, demands for identification photos for licenses for women wearing hijabs and refusals to handle pork products or don immodest dress in the workplace have appeared. At this point, representatives of the Muslim community are often working cooperatively with the host government to bring about change. As Solomon and Maqdisi explain, the idea is to get the host society accustomed to Muslim buildings, customs, holidays, dress and food. Newcomers are encouraged by Muslim leadership to become citizens, vote and run for political office to increase the umma’s influence.

    At the university level, students are indoctrinated to become advocates for Islam, engage in interfaith activities and da’wa or proselytization and train for jihad. Non-Muslims professors are solicited through zakat or payments to present courses favorable to Islam and write and speak publicly to promote Islam. The bequeathal by Saudi Prince Al-waleed bin Talal of $20 million dollars for Islamic study centers at Harvard and Georgetown universities, respectively, was a gesture to insure the promulgation of positive research, publications and presentations toward Islam.

    In “Modern Day Trojan Horse,” Solomon and Maqdisi point out that as Muslims gain power and mass in the host country, consolidation of identity occurs, as well as strengthening of their infrastructure of mosques, schools, clubs, organizations and media. The doctrine of taquiya is firmly in place as Muslims hide behind the dictates of their religious devotion and seek cultural changes in the land of the non-Muslim or kuffar. At this more advanced stage, attempts are made to silence opponents and curry favor. The judicious use of zakat elicits favorable views of Muslims and Islam from politicians, representatives from the media and other organizations. For example, within the last couple of years in the United States, the words, “jihad” and “Islamofascism,” have been expunged from the lexicon of government officials and the words, “Islamic” and “terrorism,” are rarely paired. In Europe, which is further advanced in this process, a dangerous turn materialized with the murder of filmmaker ,Theo Van Gogh, who produced a film on the subjugation of women in Islam, and with death threats against Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilder for his outspoken criticism of Islam.

    As Islamization of the host culture proceeds apace, preparations begin for learning the skills necessary for jihad. Young jihadists may travel to their countries of origin for further indoctrination and terrorist training. This development has been noted within Somali Muslim communities in Minnesota and Tennessee. Young Muslims have disappeared to Somalia to rendezvous with Al Shabaab, a terrorist group linked to Al Qaeda.

    As the resident Muslim community becomes more established and begins to wield considerable power in the political arena, pressure is brought to bear on politicians to permit shari’ah law courts in exchange for Muslim votes. This is very much evident in Britain where parallel systems of legal jurisprudence currently coexist. Muslim inhabitants of the host country are pressured to follow shari’ah law in lieu of the prevailing legal system. Several recent legal decisions by non-Muslim judges in Europe have referenced shari’ah law as a standard for verdicts concerning Muslims.

    As the intensity of the hijra advances, the appearance of open ghettos or Muslim-only regions occurs. These are areas where non-Muslims are essentially prohibited and where, if they enter, they actually may be physically threatened. Such no-go zones, where even non-Muslim community workers are unwelcome, exist throughout Europe today. Remarkably, Muslim movements are never restricted; they venture freely anywhere in the host country.

    As Solomon and Maqdisi point out, the Hijra is a comprehensive and direct political attempt to undermine the culture and values of the host country and replace them with Islam and shari’ah. It is an insidious migration seeking transformation of the culture, behaviors, customs, rules and laws of a host society to spread Islam and establish an Islamic state. The stages of the Hijra are very much evident in varying degrees in all Western societies today. Ironically, our open democratic societies with constitutionally mandated freedoms of speech, religion and assembly have facilitated this march toward the very demise of our way of life.

    “Modern Day Trojan Horse” should be required reading for all citizens of Western democracies who urgently need to understand the Hijra and the threat it represents. The book sounds the alarm for the cautious evaluation of what may appear to be innocent religious practice in our midst but has sinister motives to transform our societies forever.


  8. GP…extending my most sincere thanks for allowing me to post and posit (!) on your forum. Americans are in the crosshairs of an enemy more dangerous, devious, and despising of the West than America’s ever faced before. And the number one enemy, the public spokesman and master manipulator of the evil befalling America, is a stranger called Barack Hussein Obama.

    For all you, I, and the world knows, Barack Hussein Obama is indeed a Muslim picked, groomed, and placed Manchurian candidate with the sole job of opening the American borders to Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine Of Conquering Through Immigration.

    NOTHING ELSE can explain Obama’s slavish, maniacal defense of Islam and Muslims. Indeed, Obama only ever acts as the Jihadist’s Attorney, defending them at every new murder and assault against Americans, and blaming American culture, the Constitution’s Second Amendment, Christianity, and racial bigotry instead of putting the blame where it belongs – on his deliberate treasonous overthrow of government and his Islamic, Hijra warfare against America.

    ~ Boots.

    I dunno GP. You posit that more Americans want slavery than freedom. You use that posit to validate your claim we couldn’t field a big enough army of patriots for another live fire revolution. I applaud your efforts to keep fighting for freedom, but I also wonder how many Americans want slavery over freedom. I think the number is at least about equal, if not slightly more who’d rather have freedom than slavery through government “security promises”.

    I wish I could disagree with your contention we couldn’t field a big enough fighting force, but at this point, without us actually going to war and seeing how many show up locked, loaded and ready to fight, I can’t disagree. However, our constitution says, in writing, it’s our duty and right to abolish, remove, and replace any government that’s oppressive. Anyone who’s done due diligence knows our government is a repressive oligarchy; and under Obama’s reign it’s become more and more outwardly hostile to the constitution and rule of law.

    A shooting war against tyrannical government is the constitutional duty and right of all Americans. BUT…

    ….IF ONLY….

    Americans had been forward thinking enough to have…
    Recognized, written about, expounded on, and made the public aware of…
    Their constitutional duty and right to throw over a repressive government…
    And at the same time those same Americans had formed militias in every state…
    And those militias had coordinated nationally…
    To form a United States Militia force…
    That clearly saw the coming war…
    And clearly prepared for it…

    THEN WE MIGHT HAVE had a force capable of exercising their right and duty to throw the bums out. By force.

    I’M NOT SO SURE your plan of generational influence will work. Not that it’s not a good plan. It’s a great plan and one that everyone should try. It’s a plan that should get national coverage by any means available to you and those who support your idea. HOWEVER…

    ….those who think like you, me, and the other patriots are dying off. Replacing us are youth raised by the liberal MSM, TV, rap music, Obamacare, Obamaphones, and every subtle means of enticement the progressive socialist movement has to offer. And they have a darned lot to offer. So how much can a few old geezers and their geezer wives influence their great grand children in the face of state sponsored propaganda?

    OF MORE IMPORTANCE, is that Obama’s facilitating of Hijra will soon, before our grand children are full grown, have flooded America with so many Muslims that America will become the next Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, Holland, and Philippines. Obama himself may be the result of decades of careful planning by brilliant Muslims to insert him into our presidency. Obama has repaid that effort by staffing DHS, DOJ, DOE with Muslims that have proven ties to terror funding organizations.

    Obama’s also appointed dozens if not hundreds of Islamic sympathizer Attorney Generals throughout America. Fed prosecutor for Twin Falls, ID, Wendy J. Olsen, threatened Idahoans with arrest and jail for ‘inflammatory and false’ speech against Muslims, after 3 Muslim teens sexually assaulted a 5 year old special needs white girl. The 13 year old raped her, the 7 and 10 year old couldn’t ejaculate so they pissed on the girl.

    EVERY DAY in America, Muslims are protected, coddled, and enabled by a false government erected after a bloodless coup d’etat supported by MSM, Muslim Brotherhood, and hundreds of political hacks from the local to national level.

    LET ME CLOSE with this question and bit of advice to you and all who read this post:

    Q: WHAT EXACTLY IS DRIVING THIS SEEMINGLY RECENT EXPLOSION OF MUSLIMS being imported en masse into America, and catapulted into positions of National Security in DHS, DOJ, and FBI?

    A: What’s happening to America is known as Hijra (hish’-ruh). The Koran commands Muslims to ‘populate the foreigners lands’ and once there work within the system to acquire positions of influence from where Muslims can dismantle brick by brick the foundations of that country’s security, laws, and values; and replace them with Sharia’. OBAMA HAS BEEN DOING THIS FOR 8 LONG YEARS. This is the REAL REASON he doesn’t publicly condemn “radical Islam”. This is the REAL REASON he always MAKES EXCUSES FOR MUSLIM TERROR.

    A (cont): OBAMA IS ONE OF THE TERRORISTS. Oh, he doesn’t shoot, bomb, or decapitate anyone. His job is much higher than that of executioner. He’s the Trojan Horse that sneaks open the gates to America’s most deadly and insidious enemy – Islam itself. Obama is to America what the Spartan traitor who led the Persians to Leonidas’ flanks was to the Spartans: a murderous traitor.

    A (cont): BUT OBAMA IS MUCH WORSE than just any murderous traitor. He’s a traitor to an ENTIRE NATION OF 350,000,000 Americans. His treachery is on a par with Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and every other dictator that sought to murder, terrorize, and enslave their people.

    WHO CHOOSES which “refugees” come to America? THE UNITED NATIONS, that’s who. That’s why 99.9% of the “refugees” chosen for America are MUSLIM. Less than 1% are Christians. And Christians are being slaughtered in a Muslim led genocide.

    READ, LEARN, AND UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT HIJRA IS AND HOW IT’S NOW BRINGING AMERICA TO HER KNEES. Once you understand what Hijra is, you can’t help ask “Is Obama the result of meticulous planning by Muslim operatives and cash payments of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars to every agency that should’ve and could’ve alerted America to Obama’s Kenyan birth and ineligibility? Did the CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc receive billions from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Lebanon, etc in exchange for a coup d’etat placing the Manchurian Muslim Barack Hussein Obama, formerly known as Barry Soetoro, in the Oval Office?



    Click to access Refugee_Resettlement_Hijra.pdf







    As has happened in France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, and indeed all of Europe, America has been infiltrated by it’s most savage enemy of eternity, Islamificsts bent on establishing a worldwide Caliphate. America is the last bastion, the last castle, the last Christian nation the new Saladin’s wage war against.

    It’s a final war. To the victors go total control. Muslims will fight to the death to take this last American stronghold. Every American child, woman, and man will be murdered if that’s what it takes. Sadly, the Muslim victory will be handed to them by a traitorous Congress and the political Muslim hacks appointed by American’s number one enemy, Barack Hussein Obama, formerly known in Indonesia as Barry Soetoro.

    Through a Manchurian Muslim, Barack Hussein Obama – perhaps a Muslim designated presidential candidate since his tutelage under Frank Marshal Davis – America’s government is overrun at every level by 5th columnist’s intent on dividing America and utterly, completely, and irreversibly destroying her. The damage has crippled, stunned, and driven America back from a land of laws to a land of government sponsored terror, repression, and acts of violence against white Americans; e.g. non-Muslim Americans.

    In my own opinion, at this point of time, time is of the essence to halt and prevent further Muslim immigration, that is Hijra, into the United States. The enemy isn’t at the gate, the enemy is in the wire. Just as NVC infiltrators into the ranks of ARVN turned their American provided weapons on the Americans inside the wire, the stranger called Barack Hussein Obama and his Iranian born, Muslim consigliere Valerie Jarrett, along with recent Muslim convert Jeh Johnson, and virulent white hating Loretta Lynch, have turned the Constitution, the rules of law, and the tables against the stupid Americans that have accepted their unilateral takeover of the country.

    Therefore the first priority must be to eliminating by any and all necessary means the enemies in the camp. “Means” includes the constitutional use of arms for which the Second Amendment was incorporated, of which the Founders left explicit descriptions of. The enemies in the camp include the Hijra enablers in government and ALL of the Muslims in the United States. Unless these enemies are fully expunged from their respective redoubts, the success of a multi-generational scheme of influencing the next generation will be made all the more difficult by an oppressive ruling elite who ruthlessly punish the mere thoughts of liberty and personal freedom, let alone public debates and speeches intended to rally the oppressed to overthrow their oppressors.


  9. As an economist, I will admit it greatly influences my processes and outlooks. Economics is the study of the allocation of resources in the most efficient manner for obtaining wealth. Unfortunately most folks (thanks to public education) think those silly green pieces of TP in our wallets are wealth.

    It is a bleak out look and I cannot fault your appraisal of our situation. As I age I am embarrassed by the failure of my generation to turn the tide. I am fearful of leaving the task to my children, or grandchildren. I have started to reassess that when the time comes I will not be leading my tribe from the front but advising from the rear. Working to develop young minds to think and reason is becoming my goal. Stockpiling books and knowledge to be preserved, researching the original education methods of the old one room schoolhouses instead of patrol classes or drawing range cards from firing positions at the command bunker.

    I apologize, posting this has been interrupted a bunch of times, and it is quite fragmented. We need to work as a community to become as resilient, and self-sustaining as possible. We have to play the long game because I feel our opportunity is coming if we can just dodge the leviathan for a time yet.

    THe Progressives have created this useless class of grasshoppers(97 million not in the work force) and they will use them to vote themselves ultimate power. Once these grasshoppers do that, they are just a drain. These are the ones who will fight to support the current slavery system.

    In my not so humble opinion, humanity is about to experience it’s second industrial revolution as robots come to take over the mindless rote jobs ‘Americans won’t do’. Once that happens watch for a man-made event that will kill millions of grasshoppers and serve as cover to kill the uncooperative 3%. The elite/banksters/masters abhor wasting resources on the peons and as soon as they think they can they will clean up that problem.

    I hope and pray that will become our opportunity to save Liberty from being extinguished from the Earth.


    • Like a voice crying in the wilderness I have said time and time again if you are in an area where if after trying and failing to build community or haven’t even tried because you know it’s hopeless then move to an area that has people of like mind in the areas of Liberty, Self Sustainability, Honorable, Charitable, etc…I feel like Cassandra most days…


      • Ok Lineman. I think you make an excellent point. That’s the weasel way of saying I think you’re right. Who the heck is Cassandra?


      • Cassandra of Greek Mythology was blessed by Apollo with the gift of foresight but then cursed by him after she spurned his advances that no one would believe her foretellings…So she knew what was in store for people but they wouldn’t listen…


      • Oh by the way Boots I called you out on Wirecutters blog so if you’re truly a Patriot that has just gotten down and fed up with the stupidity then I apologize Brother…


  10. Lineman;

    Didn’t see your call out on WC’s blog. When wuzzat? Now I’ll have to mosey over there and give a look see. Shoot, I was having a decent day, too. ‘Course, if you’d like to make my day you can retract the whippin’ ya done give me over there.

    Man, I’ve been a pro-active, 2nd Amd activist since about 1990, when I got my first FFL. For about 10 years after that, every May, I’d appear at our state capital, before the Judiciary Committee, to argue against new gun laws. I’d wear a conservative suit, steel rimmed glasses, wing tips, white shirt/red tie, and short hair. I’d bring my related documents in a briefcase. More than once the Committee would remind me of the 3 min limit, and every time someone, usually a few people, our our side would say “He can have m 3 minutes”, and “Mine too”. I never got gigged for time.

    Except for a one year period between 1990 to 2014 I always had one or more FFL’s. First two were dealer FFLs. At the same time I held FFL Type 01 and SOT Class 3. The 01 FFL let me sell all the usual stuff you find in a gun store. The Class 3 SOT (Special Occupational taxpayer) let me sell all NFA weapons, including suppressors, sbr’s, sbs’s, pen guns, etc.

    In 1999 I got two FFL manufacturing licenses. FFL Type 07 and SOT Class II. The 07 FFL let me make the usual stuff. The SOT Class II let me make all NFA items. I specialized in semi-auto versions of WWI and WWII belt fed machine guns. I was the best in the country and made sales to customers in almost every state in the US. A bad business partner was my demise. Ask WC to see some of the pics I emailed him.

    And now at the old age of 60, I’m sick of the BS. The last Judiciary Cmte I went to was 2010. They never listen. It’s like shoveling shit against the tide. And the effing gun owners are their own worst enemies. The “bird and deer” guys (the Fuds) don’t give a shit about the AR guys, and the pistol guys don’t give a shit about the bird and deer guys. Instead of coming together to present an unbeatable defense of gun rights, the mofos tear each other apart like wild animals.

    Without a nationwide citizen militia we don’t stand a chance. Everyone learning shoot ‘n scoot, etc is learning an important skill, but without a true militia who the hell are we gonna whip? We let it get too far gone. Cops like the military. “Obey within 3 seconds or die”. Hillary an accomplice to the murder of 4 Americans. Obama refusing to release college financial aid documents that would prove he applied for FA as a foreign student. Politicians calling cops on constituients at town hall meetings because the politician doesn’t want to hear any objections to Obamacare.

    Waco. Unanswered except by the OKC bombing. Terrible collateral damage, yes. But what about the children gassed, burned, and shot by FBI, BATF, and yes, Delta?

    Ruby Ridge. Unanswered.

    Now Americans can’t fly if they’re on a secret list. No Senator or Representative knows how anyone gets on the list. And it costs tens of thousands of dollars to get off the list. And NO SENATOR stands up on the Senate floor and says he’s gonna start kicking people’s teeth out if he doesn’t get answers? Yeah, that wouldn’t go over big but you get the idea. STALIN had SECRET LISTS.

    Ironically I’m reading Gulag Archipelago. STALIN had SECRET LISTS. And just SAYING THE WRONG thing got you arrested and jailed. That’s what’s going on here. And we’re gonna talk about voting so we don’t keep getting black eyes and bloody noses? Sheeeeet….the time for talking is loooooong gone. The ONLY thing a bully understands is equal or greater force brought against him. 80 to 100 million gun onwers and the NRA, GOA, SAF, etc hasn’t arranged a multi-million man pro-gun march on D.C. where we wave cardboard cutouts or plastic facsimiles of AR’s, AK’s, FAL’s, M1A’s, M1’s, TSMG, M60, M249 (SAW), etc and let those politicians inside say “H-ly —t! LOOKIT ALL THEM GUN OWNERS! Maybe we better start paying attention and listen to what they gotta say!”

    What do you think Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, Aaron Burr, or George Washington would do if Congress told them they couldn’t ride their horses across state lines, but it was okay to walk across state lines? I say they’d have grabbed flintlock rifle, pistol, and sword; mounted up, and headed straight for the state line waiting to see who’d stop them. Henry and Burr would’ve probably rode straight to Congress and resolved the matter then and there.

    I could go on but why? We screwed up when we didn’t collectively arm up, mount up, and march into city hall, etc and demand our rights back. We voted for, approved, and never objected en mass to the constant growing of armed mercenaries to protect politicians from a good yelling at by angry constituients. By “armed mercenaries” I mean police, Capital police, FBI, SWAT, etc, etc, etc. Those SOB politicians knew damned well they were screwing us and they made damned sure they had armed guards to make sure we’d all know our places and when we barked too loud or got too close, we’d be if not shot then arrested, charged, and forced to withdraw 401k money to take it to trial or plead out to a lesser charge that, like WC faced, would strip us of 2nd Amd rights.

    Yeah, I don’t see much hope because I see exactly what’s going on. Even more since I read about the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration. Could it possibly be that, fantastic as it sounds, Obama was pushed to the presidency by billionaire Arabs who long ago decided he’d be the perfect Muslim Manchurian candidate to facilitate the Islamic colonization of America through the Hijra?

    Did the CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, etc, etc KNOW Obama was ineligible BUT they were paid MILLIONS by wealthy Arabs to turn the other cheek? Clearly, Obama is pursuing Hijra. Clearly, he’s on the Islamists side, not the Americans’ side. Clearly his past is deliberately hidden. But for those who look, proof exists of his Kenyan birth. But that’s another story.

    Do you think I’m nuts? Does this sound too fantastic? In 1962 a sitting U.S. president was assassinated in broad daylight, downtown, in front of hundreds of people at Dealy Plaza. The U.S. government destroyed, ignored, and misrepresented evidence, the media played along, and 54 years later Americans still don’t know who pulled the triggers (plural).

    Afterburners off.

    Don’t forget to clear my name on the WC blog, if you don’t mind.

    PS…..I earned my hooks at telco pole climbing school in 1984.



    • I know and understand all that Boots…I get how bad it is…If I didn’t I damn sure wouldn’t of moved my family to Montana…I would still be living a block from the beach, eating out at all the fancy restaurants, going on luxurious resorts, going on cruises, new vehicles every two years etc all the things I did before I realized how bad things were and started doing in depth research… But everything new I found out just made my resolve stronger and gave me a deeper purpose to save as many as I could besides my friends and family… I’m not about to give up and I will keep trying until the end…I responded to you at Wirecutters and if you have a better plan let’s hear it…


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